The story of de Proefzaak
not just any location
De Proefzaak is located right next to the Kleiburg beer brewery. This is the beer of the Kleiklooster, a spiritual and hospitable place in the Amsterdam Bijlmer. The brewery is a social enterprise and the beers are inspired by traditional Belgian monastery beers but Kleiburg gives it an innovative twist. This produces special beers with the characteristic of: always recognizable and at the same time surprising.
The beginning
The story began in the flat Kleiburg, a Bijlmer flat that would be demolished, but got a new lease of life as a ‘handy apartment’. In 2015 a small group of people settled here to live as a Christian community: the Clay Monastery. The monks dedicate themselves to a spiritual and hospitable life in the Bijlmer. In the monastery, people meet each other, eat and pray together, you can temporarily live if necessary. It is a space to catch your breath.
Old traditions
The Clay Monks are inspired by the old traditions in everything and cast them in a new light. In the past, monasteries made the water drinkable by brewing beer. The sale provided for the livelihood. For example, Brouwerij Kleiburg wants to cover the costs of the Clay Monastery today.
Connect people
It is precisely in the anonymity of the big city that Clay Monastery and Kleiburg Brewery want the same: connect people by sharing life sustainably. As a Clay Monastery, we are proud to be able to brew and serve our own beer here in the Bijlmer. It may not be as necessary as before, but good monastery beer makes life more beautiful, just like paying attention to each other.
Welcome to De Proefzaak, where people gather around beer and food. Let’s share and enjoy!